Products & Solutions

A wide range of services, for eCommerce sites of all sizes.

High performance and scalability, without the complexity or costs.

Product Recommendations

nToklo predicts what products your customers want based on your user traffic. We give them the right product, at the right time and on the right page. Customers are drawn to buying more products when they’re presented with relevant items as they browse and shop.


Our intelligent Recommendations engine incorporates your promotions, special offers, inventory levels and other critical business rules you may have.

Product Recommendations
Content Recommendations

Content Recommendations

Photos, movies, songs, music videos, books and articles – rich media is everywhere, and the world is showing an insatiable appetite for it. With tens of billions of rich media content and media items available, finding and presenting the right piece of content, at the right time in the right order, is proving a strain for many sites. Show the wrong product and customers walk out.


nToklo has a strong, proven track record in matching large numbers of viewers / readers / listeners with the right rich media and content, in real time and in many different formats, helping you keep your customers engaged, entertained, and wanting more.

People Recommendations

Bringing new products to market is exciting for business.


But you need to focus more of your marketing efforts on those people most likely to buy them, and do this at scale.


nToklo’s powerful algorithms get you to quickly and easily compile a list of the most likely buyers for your new products, based on actual and previous purchasing behaviours – no more guesswork.


Feed that powerful information into your marketing efforts to give your new product launches that extra lift you know they deserve.

People Recommendations
Top Ten List

Top Ten Lists

People love lists. Customers want to know what products are selling the best, what is really on-trend and what others are choosing and buying right now.


This is when our Top Ten technology proves powerful. Using real data, in real time, you can now show your customers what’s hot and entice them to join in, keep them engaged for longer on site and make them come back more often – and show them your site is a dynamic and interactive business, not a dull, static web-shop.


nToklo processes all complex information in real time, helping you decide what lists to compile and when – combined with our real time analytics engine, it’s a very powerful tool.


Email remains one of the best performing marketing tools today for e-Commerce.


But plain emails are failing. Users have grown tired of mass emails, and unsubscribes are costly. Today your email must be timely, relevant and engaging. nToklo provides the intelligence tools and data sets that make your email system perform; find out who the best target audience is for this or that product, what products to send to this or that user base, and more. In short, we optimise your email marketing system.



Mobile engagement rate and dwelling times are growing explosively. You must be able to communicate, entice, engage and excite your customers when and where they are the most focused: on mobiles.


nToklo provides all data sets and targeting tools for you to leverage mobile devices.


Great reports are a life-line in business, but great reports that tell you how to make smarter marketing decisions go the extra mile for you.


nToklo unlocks the data from your site to tell you what’s working best and where you should put most of your efforts.

View Our Demo Console
nToklo console